Christ Lutheran Early Childhood Center
Director Jennifer Johnson
(860) 228-5134
330 Church Street | Hebron, CT 06231

About Christ Lutheran Early Childhood Center

The mission of Christ Lutheran Early Childhood Center is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all children, their families, and the community by providing exceptional early childhood education in a Christian environment.
We believe each child is a unique creation of God. It is our goal to meet the individual needs of each child to the best of our ability. Activities will be age and developmentally appropriate to ensure each child is able to develop at their own individual pace.
We believe in providing an environment that is child friendly, Christ-centered, safe and clean. CLECC strives to provide a curriculum to benefit and nurture the whole child: spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. Classrooms offer challenging play and learning opportunities at a range of developmental levels. Play is a child’s work and their development is rooted in exploration and discovery. Our classroom activities always allow children opportunities to explore, experience and succeed.
We believe in positive discipline. We establish consistent and age-appropriate boundaries that encourage self-control and self-regulation. When discipline is necessary, it will be positive guidance to problem solving and a successful fair resolution.
We recognize parents as the primary role models in the child’s life. CLECC strives to create and maintain a positive relationship with the parents. We see ourselves as partners with the parents to benefit the child placed in our care. Daily communication and visits are encouraged.
Scripture tells us “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6. Christ Lutheran Early Childhood Center strives to foster in each child an understanding that God loves each and every one of us and sent his one and only son Jesus to save us. We know that all children are blessed with specific interests and abilities; and we strive to assist each child in developing those gifts from God.
We encourage independence, self-confidence, and respect for others in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment. We acknowledge that children learn best through play that encourages exploring and discovering. We provide children opportunities to interact with each other and adults, experience meaningful activities with a variety of materials while offering children the freedom to discover and develop their own interests and abilities. The staff assists the children by clarifying the choices available, giving guidance in choosing if necessary and to facilitate and celebrate all accomplishments. We strive to have the children develop trust, autonomy and initiative.
All children will attend weekly chapel services held within the sanctuary of Christ Lutheran Church. Chapel will be conducted by the Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church.
Opening and Closing Devotions
School days at Christ Lutheran Early Childhood Center always start with devotion. Students are often given the opportunity to be a major part of these opening devotions. Generally, opening devotions are the responsibility of the classroom teacher. The end of the day is another opportunity for worship. A brief prayer thanking God for the blessings of the day or special petitions are always in order.
Meal Prayers
All snacks and lunches will begin with a group prayer of thanksgiving, acknowledging that all nourishment is a gift from God.